Being a Mathematician
Intent, Implementation and Impact
At Port Isaac School, we use a mastery approach to mathematics in order to help children achieve the three aims of the National Curriculum:
Fluency - become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
Reasoning - Reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry and seeking to establish relationships and generalisations, developing an argument, justification or evidence using mathematical language
Application - can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevere in seeking solutions.
Intent- Why are we teaching this?
At Port Isaac, our curriculum has been planned and implemented to ensure that every child has a sound understanding of mathematics. We aim for children to leave our school equipped with the mathematical skills and knowledge to enable them to thrive in life.
As a small, mixed-age school we teach the National Curriculum using White Rose Maths to deliver daily mathematics lessons. The objectives in each block are broken down into a series of carefully planned small steps, which the teachers use to recap the learning and move the children on through the curriculum.
By incorporating calculation, reasoning and problem solving into a series of lessons, we ensure that secure links are made and that prior knowledge is being tested and challenged throughout.
Our aspiration is for every child to see themselves as a mathematician - demonstrating a confident attitude towards tackling problems both in and out of the classroom and understanding the importance of maths in the wider world.
Implementation- How is this being taught in the classroom?
We implement the following procedures in order to achieve our desired mathematical outcomes:
Daily Mathematics lessons
Daily mathematics lessons are planned from the White Rose Scheme of Work, which break National Curriculum learning objectives down into carefully sequenced, progressive 'small steps'. The vast majority of lessons are delivered using combinations of both resources as appropriate to our mixed-age classes and cohort sizes. This supports the consistent use of models, images and approaches through the school, allowing children to more easily draw on prior learning.
With the possibility of missed learning having an impact upon children’s mathematical understanding our schemes of work also allow for recap and consolidation.
Daily fluency
From Year 1 onwards, every class has daily opportunities to practice fluency, core number work and consolidation of prior learning. This may take the form of whole class, small group or individual support, number bonds, times tables, 'Fluent in five' or 'Flashback 4'.
Impact: What is the effect?
Impact of the curriculum in mathematics is monitored through:
Pupil conferencing and pupil response in lessons – pupils are able to talk confidently about their learning in mathematics to adults and to each other. They are able to explain their choice of methods and reasoning when verbally discussing problems.
Monitoring of work in books and displays– children display increasing understanding of pictorial and abstract work in books. Their improved understanding means that they are now able to apply their mathematical skills and knowledge to a wider range of problems, presented in a variety of ways.
Images and videos of the children’s practical learning, particularly when using concrete apparatus
Self-assessment – children are given regular opportunities to assess their own learning and understanding. This information is used to make adaptations to lesson planning and groupings.
Summative assessment opportunities:
Low-stakes testing – show improved retention of key facts, for example, time tables facts
End of unit checks – these can be administered at the end of a unit of work to assess understanding and application of the small steps taught
Termly summative assessments – PUMA tests are administered at the end of every term to check progress against age-related expectations
End of Key Stage assessments
EYFS - Children are assessed at the end of Reception against the Early Learning Goals to assess their understanding of Number and Numerical Patterns.
Year 2 (End of Key Stage 1) – children complete National Curriculum assessments which are used to inform a teacher assessment in mathematics (see table below).
Year 6 (End of Key Stage 2) - children complete National Curriculum assessments which are used to inform a teacher assessment in mathematics (see table below).
Our calculation policy has been written to ensure clear progression from the foundation stage to Y6, building upon previously learnt skills. All staff have been involved in its design and each teacher is aware of the mathematical journey the pupils have been on. This is reviewed every year and is also revised with each new member of staff during induction.